Cali Rc (0 followers)
Got the final part for my scratch bush plane build. This is my first ever scratch build, without any templates or anything and I think that I got it down pretty good for never building an rc plane before. In the video, I had the battery too far back which made it tail heavy but after adjusting that ...
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Michael Kranitz
Derek Sachtleben
Great work! It flies and that's a win
Hey, guys so I have a question for y'all. I am currently finishing up a piper cub build and all that's left is to wrap and paint the plane. My question is what is the best way to wrap it, as I want to do a custom paint job on it as well. I've heard of using tissue paper to cover airplanes and I've s...
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Michael Kranitz
Have you considered Ultracote?
Cali Rc
Yea I was going to do that, but I don't have all the tools to install Ultracote. Today I wrapped the wings in tissue paper and sprayed it with an alcohol water mix and it got the job done well.
Back in march I started working on a 1.5m wingspan scale dc-3. The build had been going well and I have the frame done. I have ordered most of the electronics and I have installed the servos. I was wondering if anyone had any tips for making retracting landing gear, because I would like them to look...
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Austin Langley I’ve seen this video before so it may help