Ali Asgari Lemjiri (3 followers)
Overcome Limitations / Creating Impossible Ideas
In this 8-minute video, a Congenitally Blind Person tries to use her sense of hearing and orientation to find a way to fly a radio-controlled airplane.

In continuation of my goals, I am trying to introduce Congenitally Blind Children to the structure and how to control of an RC airplane.
I believe...
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Flying Ball
"⌀ 270 mm"

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Guinness World Records: The most remote-controlled (RC) fixed-wing aircraft manually flown simultaneously is 2 aircrafts and was achieved by Ali Asgari Lemjiri (Iran), in Isfahan, Iran, on 11 February 2023.

Ali Asgari Lemjiri attempted this record to motivate teenagers who like to make the impossib...
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I believe that the joy of model airplane piloting is not in technology and championship.
The beauty of model airplane piloting is beyond what we imagine.
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