I have been flying for about 6 years. Before I took a year off, I bought 10-20 foam EDF's as I was looking for something new. I crashed all of them. Always the same, I stalled all of them when landing. I got back into flying but very hesitant to buy any EDF's since I had bad experience with them.

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Ali Machinchy
I am starting to really try and push people to get to grips and learn how their aircraft fly ( especially jets and edf's ) in the slow speed realm of their flight envelope, long before the first time they actually have to use fly like that. I see so many people experience the slow speed aspect for...
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Craig Greening
The Habu STS is unique in that it's specifically a trainer, and not just a jet/EDF trainer. It's an rc airplane trainer, that happens to be an EDF. It's lightly loaded, not especially draggy, and does tend to float for a while. I think the trick with it is a power-off approach, as well as not being ...
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Jason Holloway
I know what you mean and I’ve been there as well. One thing that I do is keep some throttle going during the whole
Landing until touchdown. This helps keep the speed up and tends to be a successful method for me. I see a lot of guys completely kill the throttle and just before touchdown have a...
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