Kamal Shamsi (0 followers)
I need advise from members here Apprentice 2 with DXe. My question to the members here is, that I bought this with 1300Mah battery which came with model with AR631 As3x/SAFE RX. This has 30amps ESC. To what capacity battery can I use to use this ESC, I mostly have 2200 LiPo's with me.
Larry Manion
The 3s 2200 will be fine with it. It calls for 1300mah to 2200mah. Plus 30 amp esc should handle it just fine.
I have RF7.5 can I use a Spektrum Dongle with iX12 to use that???
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Michael Kranitz
Rytheguy ss
No. The spektrum dongles only work for real fight 8 and above.
I would like an advice/suggestion. I want to use my iX12 with Realflight is there any suggestion??? Don't want to use the dongle or i don't have it.
Tom Cogswell
The dongle really is the best way. otherwise you will need the serial port to trainer port adapter and the trainer port to USB that realflight produced (it is discontinued now) - https://www.horizonhobby.com/product/realflight-wired-interface-only-no-softwre/GPMZ5024.html