Dale Sturms (2 followers)
Another favorite plane
The Tactical Turbo Timber comes in low and slow for covert insertions and extractions on unimproved jungle clearings. On the ground it's virtually invisible!
My Favorite Plane
Honestly, all my planes are my favorite but this 1.5m P-51 is my most favorite. I have installed 6 LEDs in the wing guns that flash to the sound of gunfire! This plane flys very scale and looks good!
Who would have known...HH sold a model of the U-10 Helio Super Courier cleverly disguised as a Turbo Timber 1.5. read more about this unsung hero formerly deployed to ops in Southeast Asia (Vietnam). https://www.nationalmuseum.af.mil/Visit/Museum-Exhibits/Fact-Sheets/Display/Article/196050/helio-u-...
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Tuning up the Merlin engine for the upcoming Memorial Day warbirds event.

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