Looking to find help on connecting my DXS to PC to update. I have the Spektrum usb cable but I’ve tired everything to get it to see radio. It’s not even seeing the cable.
Matt Olson
Spektrum Programmer should show "Cable Connected but No Device" in the upper right. If Spektrum Programmer isn't even seeing the cable I'd suggest you try re-running the installer for Spektrum Programmer, but right-click the file and choose to Run as Administrator.

Once you have it detecting the c...
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Larry Manion
If it shows a caution symbol or not seeing it. I would suggest to get one of these. https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjr99PplPb5AhXgwsIEHaHKAQMYABAJGgJwdg&ae=2&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESbeD2OkRbE5c7NAaMNdjj0bPTKU6GBel2o0DqaPEoD-B12q-WOe7tt_-a9JSMKG-KQ1NTzA0KQJuIdVfDqNYYw...
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Larry Manion
Im not sure but the older usb don't put the same output as the newer ones do.thats the only difference. They look the same but are not. I'm probably explaining it wrong. It's weird but works. I banged my head against the wall for a couple of hours thinking it was software and it turned out to this a...
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